Predicted Starting 7 of teams of Pro Kabaddi Season 10 

The Pro Kabaddi League, heading into its tenth season and here comes the complete list of Pro Kabaddi Season 10 and it’s prediction

Team NameRight CornerRight InRight CoverCentreLeft CoverLeft InLeft Corner
Bengal WarriorsShubham ShindeNitin KumarVaibhavManinderShreyas UmbardandShrikanthNitin Rawal
Bengaluru BullsSaurabh NandalNeeraj NarwalSurjeet BharatVishal Vikash KandolaAman
Dabang DelhiSunil Ashu Malik Balasaheb JadhavNaveenVikrantMeetuVishal Bhardwaj
Gujarat GiantsSombirParteek DhaiyaSourav GuliaRakeshArkam ShaikhRohit GuliaFazel Atrachali
Haryana SteelersRahul Sethpal Chandran RanjithMohitSiddharth DesaiJaideepVinayMohit 
Jaipur Pink PanthersSahulRahul ChaudhariSunil KumarArjun DeshwalReza MirbagheriAjith KumarAnkush
Patna PiratesKrishan DhullRohit RaghavNeeraj KumarSachinManishManjeet Ankit 
Puneri PaltanGaurav KhatriAslam InamdarAbinesh NadarajanAkash Santosh ShindeSanket SawantMohit GoyatShadloui
Tamil ThalaivasSagarAjinkyaAbhishekNarenderMohit Jakhar Himanshu Sahil Gulia 
Telugu TitansMohitRajnishNitinPawan SehrawatParvesh BhainswalPraful Sudam ZawareAnkit 
U MumbaRinkuAli Reza MirzaeinSurinderGuman SinghMahender SinghAmir Mohamed Zafar DaneshGirish Ernak 
U.P YoddhaNitesh KumarVijay MalikAshu SinghPardeep NarwalGurdeepSurender GillSumit


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